

Monday, November 26, 2012

GeoTools 8.4 Released

The GeoTools team is pleased to annonce the release of GeoTools 8.4, available for download from SourceForge:
This release is also deployed to the OSGeo Maven Repository. For more information on setting up your project with Maven consult the Quickstart.

About GeoTools 8.4

GeoTools 8.4 is primarily a bug fix release containing some good fixes:
  • [GEOT-4161] - UOM based symbolizers should not be affected by DPI rescaling
  • [GEOT-4293] - Nullpointer from FeatureHandler from FeatureJson
  • [GEOT-4311] - Relative url in external graphic doesn't resolve
  • [GEOT-4186] - Avoid NPE when calling ExternalGraphics.setLocation() with a null location
  • [GEOT-4269] - Harden Renderer calculateScale routine against bad source CRSes
  • [GEOT-4301] - A fix for the missing CRS info on the parsed GML2 document
  • [GEOT-4040] - Support PostgreSQL 9 hex bytea output format to avoid massive data corruption
A number of these improvements came in from the community via GitHub pull request:
We would like thank Milton Jonathan, Gerson Gerlang, Davide Savazzi, Sebastian Graca for their contributions. 

Upgrading from GeoTools 2.7

For those migrating from GeoTools 2.7, upgrade instructions are available. No additional GeoTools 2.7 released are scheduled. 

Thanks for using GeoTools.